At Ocura, we provide fast, expert care for your urgent needs.
Urgent care is for all things that need urgent medical attention but aren’t life threatening. Ocura Urgent care will be integrated into our clinics and act as a bridge between General Practice and the Emergency Department for those patient that require immediate, non-life threatening medical attention. By providing the service using our existing clinical infrastructure and network, we can rapidly cater to communities needs and reduce the load of non-emergency presentations to Eds.
The Services We Provide
Ocura Urgent Care is designed to enable and support the delivery of value-based healthcare in the community. This ensures that our services is outcome-focused and patient-centered, provided at the right, in the right place. We offer a full range of services from urgent clinical assessments, radiology and pathology, IV therapy, wound and fracture management. Here’s our detailed services below:
Minor Burns
Sports Injuries
Eye Injuries
Migraine / headaches
Asthma / breathing issues
Suspected fractures, sprains, and dislocations
Wound management and cuts requiring stitches
Allergic reactions
Abdominal pain
Vomiting and Diarrhea
Contact us for more information.
Talk directly with one of our medical consultants today.